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Modesto and Turlock endorsements | Letters to the editor: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022

By: Akira Olivia Kumamoto, The Modesto Bee


Based on his 10 years of experience in the state Assembly, I know Adam Gray is the best candidate for the 13th Congressional District. He knows the issues dealing with our San

Joaquin Valley. Adam Gray will work effectively with the California congressional caucus on issues that have an impact on everyone’s daily life. This politician can be trusted to do the right thing. Please read the detailed voter information supplied to you and visit the websites of the candidates. Do your homework carefully.

Daniel Marsh, Modesto


Our Congressional District 5 has been redrawn and thankfully a very capable candidate, Mike Barkley, is running to represent us in Congress. Mike knows and understands the many issues that need our attention. As a family doctor practicing in Modesto for the past 40 years, I am well aware of the medical and public health issues that are important. Privacy is something that every person expects when they see their doctor. Our Supreme Court and certain religious groups believe that they are entitled to violate women’s privacy and recently passed laws that actually criminalize doctors if they deliver a woman life-saving medical care. Abortion was made legal 80 years ago because we saw how dangerous and destructive illegal abortions are, causing many deaths. Why do we want to repeat that dark history?

Mike Barkley believes we must protect every woman’s privacy and right to health care. Mike needs your vote, and you need his vote in Congress. Ask yourself who will take care of you when you need medical care if doctors are criminalized and forbidden to practice good medicine?

Roland C. Nyegaard, Modesto


As we all see our life savings and investments destroyed by the Green Raw Deal, I urge all California voters to think twice about voting for any tax increases. Over 1 million Californians have left our state for places where they can afford to live. Please vote for representatives who will reverse what is happening in California. All of us are being forced to cut back on spending. The proposed bond measure and tax increase (in Modesto) will make it even harder for our residents to make ends meet. We must draw a line in the sand and stop the insanity.

William Thomas Jensen, Modesto


As a local high school government teacher, I teach others the importance of civic engagement, and Naramsen Goriel gets an A+ for his devotion to making our city a better, more desirable place to live for all Modestans. I have known and worked alongside Naramsen for several years and am moved by his knowledge and love of our community.

The residents of District 5 can rely on Naramsen to bring his years of local service and experience to the position of council member. His work with the city of Modesto’s Board of Zoning Adjustment and Landmark Preservation Commission, his commitment to the McHenry Museum and Historical Society, and his founding of the Modesto Neighborhood Park Cleanup all show his readiness to serve. Naramsen is the candidate with the passion and experience to get things accomplished. Naramsen Goriel is the right candidate to represent us. He needs your vote, and Modesto needs Naramsen Goriel for City Council District 5.

Anthony Drobnick, Modesto


Every Turlock citizen should be alarmed about what has happened to our city since January 2021. Turlock is in a state of disarray under current council leadership led by Mayor Bublak. The city has lost 206 years of experience, knowledge and dedication with the exodus of competent staff members. Previous mayors have worked with staff and let staff do their jobs, which is why Turlock was the model city of our county. In 18 months, the city of Turlock lost a newly hired city manager, a municipal services director, a city clerk, an economic development and community housing director, an operational division chief and interim fire chief, a city engineer, an executive administrative assistant in the utilities and water department, a fire marshal, a water expert, a captain and interim chief of police, a director of parks, recreation and public facilities, and a police lieutenant. It’s almost a cliché to say that people don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad bosses. Bublak needs to be replaced.

Vote for former council member Gil Esquer. He will restore the respect, character and integrity at City Hall. Gil can work productively with staff, the city manager and all council members.

Milt Trieweiler, Turlock


I recommend Lori Carlson, who is running for Turlock school board of trustees. She is an outstanding member of the board, serving for seven years, and was selected by her fellow board members as president for four of those years. She serves with integrity, always seeking to provide the best education for students. She listens carefully to concerns and has been especially effective during the pandemic. She is sensitive to the needs of all board members, parents and students. I have known Lori for the past 15 years and can personally endorse these fine character qualities. Lori is quick to recognize and encourage staff, enabling them to employ their natural abilities and talents.

Lori has encouraged fiscal accountability throughout her years of service. This has enabled safe and modern campus spaces for the benefit of teachers and students. And it has provided resourceful as well as comfortable places to learn. Lori serves the community as a volunteer, including Turlock Youth Performing Arts, Science Olympiad at both elementary and junior high levels, Tree House Club, and the Turlock Community Gospel Choir.

Jean Harvey, Turlock


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